Ich habe mir gedacht, dass es vielleicht einfacher und besser ist, wenn ich meine News auf Blogspot stelle, anstelle vieler e-mails. Ich werde immer noch meine Mails verschicke, jedoch nicht mehr so h
Also im Moment bin ich in Kanada und besuche CLBI (Canadian Lutheran Bible Institut). Das Programm f
Ok. Das w
I thought that it would be better and easier if I would write the latest news on blogspot, rather than writing e-mails all the time.
Write now I'm in Canada and I'm attending CLBI (Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute) in Camrose, AB. The schedule for this upcoming weekend is, that I will leave tomorrow the 14th of Oct. for my Solo day. The Solo day is part of the school's program. We are going to be all by our self and with out any kind of media. The 8h are suppose to be a time, that I can spend with God and his creation. This upcoming Sunday I will have the opportunity to go to Hobbema with ca 4 other students. It is a native reserve and we will spend our time with the kids.
Ok. That would be all for my first entry. God bless you